The delusion of an “unsettled science” and pushing the hubris that we can do anything

This from Climate Progress:
Obama Is ‘Delusional’ For Saying Climate Change Is A Major National Security Threat, Fiorina Says

The delusion is what she has apparently accepted; the delusion that Climate Science is some sort of political conspiracy by liberals to redistribute the wealth and destroy that most wonderful of discoveries: that fossil fuels will save us a lot of time, work, and money! Anything that threatens that is just “delusional”!!!!! I actually had a right-wing friend give me that line. It’s a ploy to “redistribute the wealth” (a dog whistle for right wingers. Communism! Socialism! Anti-captalism! Anti-America! Anti-Progress!) What a delusionary place to be.  What a dangerous place to be.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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