@Vanderbilt Historian: #OWS movement right on time in new Gilded Age

All of the interview with Vanderbilt history prof Gary Gerstle from which a clip was used in a VUCast (Vandy’s YOuTube News Channel)  is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ph79lbXaF5I#! He says “second gilded age” began under Reagan.  But only now has there been much of an outcry that could be identified,  until OWS.

#OccupyUSA Blog Ehrenreich and “An Occupy Awareness”. #occupyFaith #OccupyChurch #OWS #OccupyNashville

This morning I saw this on the OccupyUSA blog. Barbara Ehrenreich at Alternet: “How I discovered the truth about poverty.” http://www.thenation.com/blog/166854/occupyusa-blog-friday-march-16-frequent-updates I thought as I began to read this that we are being dragged backwards in history by the right wing who want to do nothing but scoff at the concerns of people for the dramtic increase in the number Continue Reading

The elusive “message” is an easy slam when you don’t listen

I just read the follwing line in an article about Occupy: “A lot of people who came into the camp with the preconceived notion that ‘these people don’t have a message’ came by our booth and were surprised by the level of discourse there.” http://www.thenation.com/article/166749/revolution-radio As I continued to hear the critiques of Occupy Wall Street that “they don’t have a clear Continue Reading

How #OWS should be received by the church #OccupyChurch

This,  from a blog post I started reading yesterday,  and took up again this morning,  is very close to where I come down as a “theological reading”  of the Occupy movement,  and what makes it a “teaching moment” for the church. #OWS reminds the church of some­thing that it has for­got­ten, namely, that faith­ful and active shoul­der­ing of covenan­tal respon­si­bil­ity in rela­tion­ship Continue Reading

Rick Santorum Questioned Obama’s Faith In 2008, Said There’s No Such Thing As A Liberal Christian

That such is the attitude of far too many conservative evangelicals is not a surprise.  In fact,  most of the conservative evangelical friends I have would also be embarrassed by Santorum’s public display of spiritual  arrogance. The surprise is that,  as someone running for President, one would realize that things like this would not play well at all.  Maybe he thinks his Continue Reading