in defense of @ChrisLHayes vs @conor64 charge that he was unfair to Rand Paul

don’t say, as Hayes does, that he believes achieving racial progress is just a matter of having the right conversations.

The things Conor Friersdorf claims Rand Paul believes that supposedly shoot down  Chris Hayes saying the above are , again,  things SAID.  Paul SAYS stuff.  But the behavior and advocacy are simply not there.  The attempts to roll back Voting Rights,  the absence of anything concrete to back Main Street,  REGARDLESS of what he CLAIMS to believe,  are simply not arguments against Hayes’ charge.

In effect,  Friersdorf takes things said in conversation/speech,  and uses them to try to defend Paul against charges (legitimate and fitting IMO)  that Paul thinks you just have to change how you talk about things,  when that is exactly what he’s doing when he says what he “believes” and then votes with the right wing on numerous economic matters.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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