Some more great #OccupyTheology from @nathanairplane via NPR’s Krista Tippett

Here is a quote from the video that encapsulates #OccupyTheology as well as any phrase could:

 Church! Act like a church!

(about 22:30 for the context)

via Krista Tippett with Nathan Schneider – YouTube.

On what he (Nathan) hopes for

about how people in the world are living that agency; building those kinds of communities that we need; to resist injustice that has sunk so deeply into our world; I hope we can learn to tell those stories better;I hope that we can learn to see that dignity that is within all of us; That divinity that comes when we organize together; when we meet each other face to face, and even sometimes, through a chat room. How to hold up those moments when we find our agency and are able to make a change; THAT’S WHAT I’M LOOKING FOR

About dlature

Developer and researcher of all things social tech, with particular focus on helping church orgs leverage all the best tools and think about Social Graph data

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