Interesting.  I may have to splurge. 

In the last few years, traditional collaboration—in a meeting room, a conference call, even a convention center—has been superceded by collaborations on an astronomical scale.

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes EverythingToday, encyclopedias, jetliners, operating systems, mutual funds, and many other items are being created by teams numbering in the thousands or even millions. While some leaders fear the heaving growth of these massive online communities, Wikinomics proves this fear is folly. Smart firms can harness collective capability and genius to spur innovation, growth, and success.

… shows how the masses of people can participate in the economy like never before. They are creating TV news stories, sequencing the human genome, remixing their favorite music, designing software, finding a cure for disease, editing school texts, inventing new cosmetics, and even building motorcycles.

There’s also a book “The Blogging Church” which I have yet to hear much real excitement about.  I heard the authors on a podcast a while back,  and I didn’t get too excited,  since they seemed all into the “cool” of it,  and talked mostly about blogs as “marketing your church” rather than conversation and “tagged” theological conversation.  The reviewers of this book also seem to be squarely in the camp of the mega-church crowd,  and thus very unlikely to be of a “Resident Alien” ecclesial spirit.  I caught this “pro-capitalist/pro-republican leaning in some of the blogs of the people who gave testimonials about the authors of the Blogging Church.  I may borrow this from a co-worker who bought it,  to see if there’s anything there of interest.



About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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