Georgia Baptist resolution criticizes Baptist blogs

SOME Southern Baptists are quite the backward folks sometimes when it comes to church and theology.  What a misguided, ignorant reaction.

Wayne Bray and William Harrell, pastors at Beulah Baptist Church in Douglasville, submitted the anti-blogging resolution, which said blogs are used by “certain people … for divisive and destructive rhetoric at the expense of peace among the brethren.”

A group of younger blogger-pastors have risen to prominence in Southern Baptist Convention affairs in the past two years, with many calling for reform in the denomination’s structure. But the Georgia resolution said blogging has become a tool for personal attacks on Christians and promotes a negative view of the SBC “in the eyes of the society we are striving to reach with the gospel.”

Georgia Baptist resolution criticizes Baptist blogs

Anything and everything that expresses dissent,  and “publishes” the fact,  is held as “divisive”.  Reminds me of how folks critical of the Iraq war are accused of being divisive,  which is set equal to “unpatriotic” or even seditious. 

Hat tip to UMR

There’s trouble there in River City,  when there’s Baptists noticing Blogs, which leads to Bashing ,  which leads to BEER!  (Or something like that)

(Update:  OK,  here’s a more accurate representation of the way the song goes,  applied to this case:

“There’s trouble in GBC City, Trouble with a Capital T which rhymes with B which stands for Blogs.”

(thanks Julie,  who works with me and whom I just visited downstairs and told her about my post)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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