Comment on Doc’s Social Media Gardens article @fpaynter @dsearls #smchurch

I briefly met Frank at a Nashville Podcamp event a few years ago.  Doc has raised a point lost of many of us in our enthusiasm for the new frontier.  We have to be onthe watch for those who wish to tame it.

Excellent post, Doc! I’ve resisted the “social media” hype and thought I might be the only one. Still, when people move their conversation from blogs to facebook, well… I gotta follow. Even so, facebook and its ilk remind me of AOL. Irony is that when Mosaic was released, AOL hung on to their walled garden approach even when their members pleaded for access to the world wide web. Wish I could be at defrag to hear the cluetrain at 10 keynote.

Doc Searls Weblog · Beyond Social Media  (comment by Frank Paynter at 11:46am on11-11-09)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

3 Replies to “Comment on Doc’s Social Media Gardens article @fpaynter @dsearls #smchurch”

  1. Theoblogical Post author

    Thanks Frank, and thanks for the heads up on the comment process. I’m going to have to look into that (ie have a friend who’s not registered yet try it and hear their story. Aside from that, I want to implement anOpen Social type login with the customary Login with Twitter and Login With Facebook and Login with Google options.

    I met you in person briefly about 2-3 years ago at a Nashville Podcamp. Glad to follow your twitters and get your take on this social media stuff.


  2. fpaynter

    Fortunately I’m blessed with the patience of Job, so I’m able to leave this comment. Thank you for acknowledging my reflection at Doc’s blog, and thank you for tweeting your own post. When I saw the tweet I was moved to comment here, and now comes the patience of Job part. It took a long time and a few leaps through burning hoops in order to get registered and leave this first comment.

    Future comments will be easier of course. And it’s not like the registration process was as bad as being afflicted with boils or anything…

    Thanks again, and let’s keep blogging.

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