Creating or Consuming: The Church and Social Media Relationship #wiredchurch

I paused on the following item I found in a summary of a book tweeted by @gavoweb (Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling by Andy Crouch) It is not enough to condemn culture. Nor is it sufficient merely to critique culture or to copy culture. Most of the time, we just consume culture. But the only way to change culture Continue Reading

Doubled HealthCare Costs: The Captivity of the Evangelical Right

And so many voices in the conservative church are claiming that our Health Care in this country is fine the way it is.  What world do they live in?  (Yes,  I have actually been in online discussions where those joining the right wing histrionics over health care actually say this) Total health care costs in the last 20 years have Continue Reading

The Gospel-Driven Church: A Rant: Rob Bell and An Evangel-less Evangelicalism

Tell em’ Jared Wilson.  I am getting increasingly disgusted with the “religionless” , generic definitions of theological categories (and evangel IS a theological category) that seek to align with the mainstream rather than that which more of ten than not CHALLENGES that mainstream.    Bell’s printed definition is this:  I embrace the term evangelical, if by that we mean a Continue Reading

Incredible Blindness of Conservative Evangelical Politics

The following snip from a Pew article about Obama and United Methodists has me shaking my head: About 200 miles south, at Faith Community Church of West Chester, the Rev. Norm Coleman said he likewise plans to vote for the Arizona senator. "I don’t know about Obama’s Christianity, that’s what brings me into question about him." Religion News (RSS): Obama Continue Reading

Fighting ‘Bibliolatry’ at the Evangelical Theological Society

via Ryan Beiler,  pointing to Ted Olsen’s comments on J.P. Moreland’s “How Evangelicals Became Over-Committed to the Bible and What Can Be Done About It.” Ryan observes: It’s refreshing to hear such criticism coming from within the evangelical academy. Ted Olsen describes how theologian J.P. Moreland challenged the Evangelical Theological Society with a session called: "How Evangelicals Became Over-Committed to Continue Reading