“A Generation who Knew not Joseph” Today’s “conservatives” nothing like the old.

I had this comment to make as I got trollled in a thread on The Hill (which is the norm there,  as it is absolutely overrun with right wing trolls).  This one was in a thread under an article that was titled “Sanders courts Trump voters”,  which is a terrible title based on the quote from Sanders that prompted it, Continue Reading

more from #MLK and the #OWS via @tikkunonline by @bescofield

<A HREF=”http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=US&ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Ftheoblogical-20%2F8005%2Ff6fdcec6-01e1-491d-84fb-8edf78634575&Operation=NoScript”>Amazon.com Widgets</A> Be Schofield’s article I blogged about earlier includes this assesment of MLK’s “final campaign” (the Poor People’s March)  : King had developed several goals in his final campaign, which may or may not inspire the OWS movement. He had hoped the Poor People’s Campaign would achieve direct employment through a massive public works program, a guaranteed annual Continue Reading