The Macro Change

“Macro-change via the church rather than the state” — Chris Haw mentions this toward the end of this hour and 12 minutes of this video….which is a great session,  I heard some stories I hadn’t heard yet… We have indeed been indoctrinated in America with the myth of “America” and the promise of “America” as some sort of spiritual force Continue Reading

Called Out to Stand Out

Just a few choice morsels from Jesus For President  (p. 228) The church is a people called out of the world to embody a social alternative that the world cannot know on its own terms. Ironic that so many people in the church adopt the categories and the “realism” of the world,  and become skeptics of the relevance of Jesus Continue Reading

Last Best Hope?

This country is still the last best hope on earth—Barack Obama on Letterman in 2007. Things like this provide me with the distance I need from the mania of the impressive campaign of Barack Obama,  and the “excitement” he has injected into the American political process.  I’m impressed with his speeches,  and I find myself feeling that this is what Continue Reading