Does our ‘digitology’ match our ecclesiology? via @Newmediaproject by @jtrane

Very rarrely do I ever see such a question.  Most church based social media rationale seems to be along the lines of “should the church use social media” and the answer is “yeah,  if we want to be relevant and speak the language of your culture”.  This question asks the deeper , morer theological rationale question. do our theological understandings and commitments Continue Reading

Occupy the Future @jtrane in @sojourners #occupyChurch #MLK #OWS

Jim Rice writes in Sojourners magazine about Occupy.  Sojourners is one of those communities that have become a mashup of activist, publishers, movementOrganizers….and has been an example of the kind of theological discernment regarding our country and its churches that have been seeing the kinds of things Occupy has been good at bringing into movement form in the public square. Continue Reading