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Eradicating our right to free speech and peaceful assembly

The security and surveillance state, after crushing the Occupy movement and eradicating its encampments, has mounted a relentless and largely clandestine campaign to deny public space to any group or movement that might spawn another popular uprising. The legal system has been grotesquely deformed in most cities to, in essence, shut public space to protesters, eradicating our right to free Continue Reading

Love this post by @BrainMerritt in support of @MicahBales

I concur deeply.  In other words,  a hearty amen on just about every point.   I’m disappointed  in RLC,  as I have been over the past year in the “social justice” orgs and their strange,  what I can only identify as “reticence” to really be a support and encourager and enabler and participants with the Occupy movement.  To say “they Continue Reading

“Discarded intellectuals” Part 1 #OWS #OccupyChurch

When I read the following,  from a previous Chris Hedges article just after the start of Occupy Wall Street,  I immediately added my own group to the list of “discarded intellectuals”: Bakunin’s vision of revolution, which challenged Marx’s rigid bifurcation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, carved out a vital role for these rootless intellectuals, the talented sons and daughters Continue Reading

“Radical Individualism Has Failed” Reflection on @BrianMerritt ‘s “Death of Justice” #occupychurch #OWS

Brian Merritt has written an excellent OccupyTheology sermon.  The only thing I dont like about it is that there are too many great things in it I want to quote in full.  I am told by a prepackaged and consumeristic society that there are non-threatening and easy answers to societal’s ills.  The reality is that recycling will not save the planet, voting Continue Reading

GOP Chair in Franklin Co. Ohio on Early Voting Cutbacks: “Urban Voting turnout machine” not worth “accomodating”

Franklin County (Columbus) GOP Chair Doug Preisse : I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban—(read African-American)—voter-turnout machine Apparently,  Mr. Priesse seems to think that the “voter turnout machine” is somehow a form of cheating,  since he doesn’t consider them worthy of “accomodatation” to vote.  He baiscally is defending the idea of Continue Reading

Enablers and bureaucrats of the system – Hedges at @TruthDig

Ever since #OWS began,  I have grown particularly attracted to Chris Hedges’ columns ,  often peppered with scathing observations about the professsionals who run and enable and tweak the systems that have led to the increasing inequalities and insane denials of the effects of “human progress” on all of our ecosystems.   In our present day media environment,  such scathing Continue Reading

Whose World is Most Worth Perpetuating? Mertitocracy’s Crony-ism HT @ChrisLHayes @DemocracyNow

in this video, Chris Hayes talks about the way elites and their clubs stick together vs even the people they ostensibly are there to serve  (priests in Catholic Church vs their parishoners,  or the government and corporations vs thier constituents and/or customers). This is a good angle also for the financial system,  and for a headlong dive into many Continue Reading

A bit of #OccupyTheology applied to the #OWS message about the middle class being under assault (HT @lisasharper @Sojourners)

I asked Lisa Sharon Harper of Sojourners about her thoughts on the Occupy Movement,  and she said something we don’t hear much amidst all the uproar about the “middle class” being under assault.  While the economic figures about the shrinkage and stagnation of wages in the middle class make for a wider audience from which to garner movement support,  what Continue Reading

“thereupon absolved from any further obedience” #OWS #OccupyTheology #OccupyChurch

John Locke,  the guy synonomous with “Reason” with revolutionary words “Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power,” wrote the philosopher John Locke, “they put themselves into a state of war with the people who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.”

Brian McLaren: Why I’m Joining the Occupation #OccupyChurch #OWS

Brian McLaren,  another participant/speaker at Wild Goose later this week on Occupy: public spaces—from economic markets to political processes—have been colonized by powerful corporate elites (the 1 percent, or maybe the 10 percent), elites driven not by an ethical vision but by the relentless demand to maximize shareholder return. The 99 percent are realizing how destructive this colonization of public Continue Reading