MLK vs The Status Quo via @jarrodmckenna

Jarrod McKenna wrote today,  on this MLK day 2012,  about the big problem so many Americans have in co-opting MLK and making him a “cheerleader” for whatever cause they please.  I have heard this over and over from those who oppose the Occupy movement on the basis of “lawlessness” and seemingly the very idea of being critical of U.S. structures. Continue Reading

King vs Tea Party: From the Poor People’s Campaign to Occupy #occupythelogy #OWS via John Nichols @TheNation

A good one from John Nichols of The Naiton re: MLK and OWS: Asked about “Occupy Wall Street,” Congressman West declared this week: “Martin Luther King Jr. would not have backed these types of protesters.” Dr. King’s history, and his own words, say otherwise. Nichols quotes MLK: “America is at a crossroads of history, and it is critically important Continue Reading