A major win for deniers is scaring the s*** out of liberals, progressives,moderates &conservatives who believe in science

That so many, especially in the church,  have succumbed to a position of ignoring the truths about how our way of living has brought humanity to a place of dire emergency.  When I talk about this,  the silence and changing of the subject is striking.  Even amongst people who say they believe that the climate is changing and that we have a problem.  But then everything carries on as if it is not the case.  The things we talk about,  the things we “report” on and write about as church communications and journalists,  virtually ignore the subject.  It’s ONE issue,  but also one that does not seem to invite a conversation about as if it is actually something we need to be working on doing something about,  and FAST!  What is the deal, here?  And I mention the church here in particular because the denominational structures seem to be writing on things as if the Climate Crisis doesn’t exist.  They’ll deny this if you suggest it,  but the proof is in the activity (or lack thereof).  Week after week, month after month,  scarcely ANYTHING about the importance of the Ecological Crisis we face,  and have been causing for two or three hundred years.  And now that we know that this is the case,  from scientists who study the climate from all angles,  we still sit idly by for at at least 25 years since all of us have been told in no uncertain terms that we MUST change our ways.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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