A Hundred Twitters- A Thousand @Chrisbrogan #ChurchSocial

I’ve been reading (and listening) to Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.  These guys and this book have SOOOO MUCH to teach the church about its perennial status as late adopters (and even more importantly,  even LATER “understanders” of Social Media.  You’ll get a whole lot of Tweets showing up in your stream if you follow Chris (@chrisbrogan),  but if you want to be kept aware of some of the best thinking about social media,  you need to follow him.  Dave Winer (who talked to Chris in a podcast that I often frequent at scriptingnews.com (Dave’s blog) ,  is also a good guy to follow (@davewiner),  since he was instrumental in RSS becoming what it is today,  or that it even existed in the first place.  He has also been deeply into SocialMedia and a serious early adopter (and reinventor)

This is really where it’s at: Twitter isn’t just that site any more, it’s a communications method. Dave Winer has it right. Steve Gillmor has it right. The geeks in you already started thinking about Yammer and SocialCast and Blellow and more. I’m not talking about the tools. I’m talking about the facility, the method, the way this could move.

A Hundred Twitters- A Thousand

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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