Interesting social media tool provided by MSNBC for using clips from stories

Below is a test clip from Soros story,  which itself is calling for some aggressive ways to combat disinformation, to match the prowess demonstrated by the Rove machine in building DISINFORMATION capaigns.  This “clip and share” tool,  if it can be improved and made even easier to use,  can help in this effort. Now if only the Daily Show would do the same.  This would definitely appeal to the younger demographic, who also happen to be the most “tech  savvy” and could bring multimedia programming savvy to the table.

not exactly precise,  (couldn’t get Chrome to work very smoothly with creating it…IE a bit better)

But tools can be tweaked,  and this is a great idea if it can be refined.  I love the way the tool lets you syn the transcript to the video,  so that one can find the exact start and end points for the part of the conversation they want to select.  This also is not very precise,  as in my clip above where there is a trailing “now keep in mind……”,  which came AFTER my START and END points in the transcript……but pretty close.  And those are some particulars to Flash and to a perhaps “somewhat unprecise” use of ActionScript or something to get the precise point  in the video. 

I’d love to hear the Gillmor Gang talk about some possibilities for this.  I saw Scobleizer’s earlier RETWEET of a someone’s link to a story about the crazy “200 million dollars a day” (the Obama India trip)  that the media ran recently,  so I see that he may have a similar aversion to the lack of broad response to some of the worst disinformation campaigns out there.  The last few days of the clueless gaffs by incoming GOP House Frosh has underscored this desire in me (and apparently in Soros)  to be at least as good in confronting disinformation as the dis-informers are in their dissemination of it.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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